Roasting the Broccoli:

  • Cut out the broccoli florets from two heads of broccoli and put them in a bowl.
  • Add about 15 cloves of garlic to this bowl.
  • Season with Keya Pizza Oregano generously and drizzle the florets with olive oil.
  • Place them on aluminum foil on a baking tray and bake them at 200° C for 35-40 mins or until they look crispy and roasted. Turn them around half way through, so that all sides of the florets get crispy.

The Salad:

  • Wash and dry out a bunch of baby spinach leaves and add them to a large salad bowl.
  • Add your roasted broccoli florets with the roasted garlic cloves as well.
  • Add a handful of almonds sliced lengthwise.
  • Lastly, (and this is optional) add a just a few shavings of any block cheese (I used Amul cheese)

The Dressing:

This is the best part! In a bowl, mix the following ingredients and whisk them thoroughly till they form a nice creamy dressing…

  • 4 tablespoons of hung curd
  • 1 teaspoon mayonnaise
  • The juice of two lemons
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Toss the salad with the dressing only just before serving. You’re going to be addicted to this yummy salad.

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