The Last Supper table, I’d imagine, was a coveted one. What an honour it would be to recline at that table and dine with Jesus and then have Him, the King of Kings, wash our feet!
But let’s look at the lot that made the cut to the table.
There was Bartholomew. The Gospels tell us close to nothing about him. He walked around with the most significant Man on earth but somehow faded into the background and wasn’t interesting enough.
There was James, the brother of Jesus, who is also often called “James the Less”. I can imagine why. Being a sibling of the Miracle-working, Son of the Most High God could have been daunting.
There was Andrew, the disciple who was “first called” by Jesus. He was a follower of John the Baptist and was the first one to recognize Him as the Messiah and follow Him.
There was Judas Iscariot, infamous for betraying Jesus with a kiss on his cheek, and for what? 33 pieces of silver… worst transaction in history!
There was Peter, previously known as Simon. He was “The Rock” before Dwayne Johnson. He walked on water, set up the early church and passionately preached about Jesus. But, he also straight up denied ever knowing Jesus, just hours after hanging out with Him.
There was John whom we are told was “beloved by Jesus”. He was a favourite and knew the Son of God intimately.
There was Thomas, the one who doubted the resurrection of Christ. He needed proof to believe.
There was James the Great, who wanted to sit at the right hand of Jesus and made that known to Him. He desired greatness and somehow made it to Jesus’ inner circle.
There was Philip who was, perhaps, one of the first evangelists. As soon as He started following Jesus, he went and convinced Nathaniel that Jesus was indeed the Messiah.
There was Matthew, a tax collector at the time that Jesus lived and tax collectors then were known to be liars, cheaters and fraudulent by nature.
There was Jude, who was also one of Jesus’ brothers and also a possible sceptic. The Bible tells us that Jesus’ own brothers did not believe Him. He, of course, went on to write the book of Jude and become an early church evangelist.
And, lastly, there was Simon the Zealot. He was labelled the “zealous one” to distinguish himself from Simon Peter. He clearly left an impression as someone with a lot of passion.
Each of these didn’t earn their place at the table by anything they did; they just consistently walked with Jesus intimately.
Jesus stooped low to wash each of their feet.
There’s place at His table for the obscure ones, the smart ones, the first ones and the last ones, the beloved ones, the passionate ones, the unreliable ones, the arrogant ones, the sceptical ones, the betrayers, the deniers, the doubters and the cheaters.
He washes everyone’s feet with the same love, humility and acceptance. He trusts each of these with His Mission and Purpose for the world.
No matter who you are and what you’ve done, there’s room at His table for you.
He washes all kinds of feet.
Caroline Pearson
Posted on April 15, 2022 at 1:28 amYes, he does. He washes the feet of sinners and righteous alike and makes no distinction between them. His love for us is so deep and wide, an agape love, that we will never fathom or understand, but it is there and we see and experience it in our lives, everyday. Love you and thank you Lord for everything ❤❤❤
Posted on April 15, 2022 at 5:24 amSoo.. Blessed to read this baby… So much to think about and learn from the life of our Saviour!
Posted on April 5, 2023 at 7:03 amWashing feet in those days was the job of a servant. Jesus thought he was God, come down as a human, became a servant and Jesus taught us to be a servant leader.
Edna Ribeiro
Posted on April 5, 2023 at 7:55 amAMEN.Words cannot express the love of our Heavenly Father as He gave His beloved Son to pay for our sins.Jesus Christ paid the price for us and gave us the Holy Spirit before ascending to the FATHER.
A Unique and unending Love for each one of us.
All I can pray as I remember the song sung and say Lord Jesus
“Make me a servant
Humble and meek
Lord let me lift up
Those who are weak
And may the prayer
Of my heart always be
Make me a servant
Make me a servant
Make me a servant today”
God bless you Becky as you continue to write for God’s Kingdom
Posted on April 5, 2023 at 12:50 pmThis is so so touching ❤️
Femina Peter Raj
Posted on April 6, 2023 at 3:28 amYes, Indeed He washes all kinds of feet 💕