I don’t particularly love writing about myself but I’m going to give it a shot.
My college professor, Sudhakar Solomon Raj, always used to say, “Passion is palpable” and I’m evidence that this, in fact, is true. I’m palpably passionate about a lot of things, as you’ll find out on this blog, and can’t physically contain the zeal I feel inside my bones about things I believe in.
I am an ardent follower of Jesus and his teachings and have been so since I was eight. My faith journey has been an interesting graph. I’ve fallen many times and I’ve stood up every time and I stand today too, ONLY because of God’s undeserved and unwarranted grace.
I love to write. I’ve been scribbling in diaries and journals since I can remember. My writing, however, is mostly personal journalling, occasional blogging, sporadic rhyming and quite a lot of letter writing. If I ever do ONLY ONE thing with my writing, it will be this: to never stop writing letters and notes to people in my life because exceptional people deserve words woven exclusively for them in a personal and intimate manner.
I also love branding which is basically just story telling. I love it so much, I built a business around it. It’s called Five Stones Media House, a creative branding agency based out of Bangalore. Speaking of Bangalore, it’s my new home but will never replace Mumbai, Bournemouth and Coonoor — my homes for significant parts of my life!
I think I should mention too that I used to doodle flowers at the back of my notebooks in school. It helped me pay attention to what was being taught. I still doodle flowers today, it helps me calm my thoughts and focus.
I’m in my mid thirties and married to my best friend, Daniel. We love to cook together, host lots of people in our home for meals and invent fun games.
If you’ve read so far, you must have a lot of free time. Then, go read stuff on my blog too. Some of it is so old and so embarrassing but I’ve let it be here anyway. What would I be without my embarrassing past, eh?